ambassador bible fellowship
Growth GroupsMid-Week Bible Studies

growth groups
It was never intended for believers to only worship Christ on Sundays. The normal walk of a growing and maturing disciple should include the daily disciplines of reading, studying and obeying Scripture and dependent prayer. Also, the Christian life was never intended to be lived alone. Christ expected us to love one another in the context of a community of believers.
This is why the purpose of each growth group at Ambassador is to encourage and foster each member’s daily walk with Christ in the context of community. We encourage and pray for each other, share what God’s Word has taught us from our personal study, ask for help and accountability to become doers of the word and not just hearers, as well as to partner together to pray for, care for, and then share the truth of the gospel with our neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family.
Get Involved in a
Growth Group
Click here to find a group or email us at for more information. Each group meets weekly during the school year and takes June through August off. Contact the leader of the group that you would like to join to get the address of where the group meets. We look forward to maturing in Christ together!